Saturday, March 10, 2012


Patience is a virtue I am learning to practice as I mature. There are days when my patience is sorely tested. Today for example. I just finished this post for the first time only to hit the wrong button and have the original disappear. Since I am writing about patience, it occurred to me how funny it would be if I lost it and let fly a few choice words. ( I didn't)  These are the days when it is necessary for me to take three deep breaths and reset the patience meter!

On February 28th I had knee surgery. I was hoping it was going to be the "clean it up quick and get on with life" variety. After all it was arthroscopic, and we all know that folks who have arthroscopic surgery are on their feet  in a week as if nothing happened. Not this lady! I am still off my feet except for excursions to get food, drinks, snacks, and showers. I do a few small tasks while waiting for the microwave; then I must get back to my chair lest my knee swell up like an over inflated balloon!I am exercising my patience. I say exercising, because patience comes easily to no one. It's more of a choice than an in born virtue.

Knitting has taught me to exercise patience, especially lace knitting. I have never met a pattern that loved me on first sight. Every lace I succeeded at knitting was a hard fought exercise in patience and endurance. For awhile, I gave in to the "I just must be one of those people who will never/can't knit lace" kind of thinking. I am perseverant by nature( my dear hubby would say "stubborn" --silly man) so I determined that I was going to conquer   accomplish lace knitting.  It is still not easy for me. I have to frog nearly every piece I knit up to three times before I get it. But I am getting better at the counting, repeats and other things necessary to knit a beautiful piece of lace. I have some beautiful things to show for my persistence and patience.

So, I am exercising patience through these healing and recovering days. I have taken time to look at patterns, get ideas, knit,knit,knit, find a more uniform way of sizing wee hats. I have had time to think of what other tiny treasures I want to offer.

Patience=Freedom.  I don't have to get all unhappy and bent out of shape over a slow cashier, a traffic jam, a late appointment, an infuriatingly complicated pattern. I can take a deep breath, choose my 'tude and practice patience.

Now, off to find something to knit. It's time for some lace, I think!

Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I really struggle with patience. I tend to get frustrated easily with just about everything, so it's something I have to turn over on a daily basis. My attitude about life's daily struggles, I mean. ;)
