Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Goals

I don't make resolutions anymore . I have learned that I break them easily and feel defeated . This year I am setting some goals for myself .

My first goal is to have enough inventory to begin marketing my items by March 1 .

My second goal is to strive for better health . That may or may not include losing weight, but losing weight is not my primary goal .

Another goal is to work within our tight budget to begin a "real" savings account so we are not in a lurch every time something breaks .

I want to use my stash before I buy more yarn( OK so that's a big stretch)

I want to manage my time more wisely .

I want to give my best to my family .

And most of all, I want to honor my God more authentically .

Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Do You Ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder who first picked up two sticks and thought, "hmmmm, I think I can do something with this?" I wonder that all the time .  Then I wonder how all the various stitches and patterns came to be . I wonder who made the first sweater, the first socks, the first hat .

I look at my projects in wonder and marvel that this piece of art came together one knit, purl, yo, mk1 and ssk at a time .

I wonder when I look at a hand painted yarn how the colors are going to play out . What pattern will it make? How is that one odd color going to fit in?

I watch in wonder as my spinny friends take a bag of odds and ends of fleece and fiber and spin a gorgeous skein of yarn .

I look at this project that came together one stitch at a time . I think about my life, which  at it's most basic is a long chain of days . I wonder what patterns, twists, loops, and mistakes are ahead, knowing that the twists, loops and mistakes of my past are what has made me the "project" I am today .

What do you wonder?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Most Pleasant Addiction

I couldn't help myself. I had to finish knitting the little hat I had started. I reached for it--and stopped. Again. And again. Then I gave in.

I once told a therapist that knitting is the OCD'ers dream. You get to do something overandoverandoverandoverandoverandover---and it's productive!!!

The rhythm of knitting is soothing to the soul. When I am stressed I reach for my knitting and soon the quiet clicking of the needles, the rhythm of the stitches get me in "the zone", that place where I lose myself in my work and all else fades away.

Another pleasant addiction is meeting with other knitters. I have met friends from all walks of life who I would never have come across except for this pleasant addiction. Knitters have an instant kinship. When a knitter sees another knitter knitting in public, there is a smile and understanding nod. Sometimes a conversation follows and before you know it a friendship is born.

I get downright crabby when deprived of my knitty spinny friends! When weather, illness  or gas budget keeps me away from my girls it's not pretty!

But there they are, my faithful yarnie friends the next time I come.

A most pleasant addiction, indeed.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome--the Knitting Nemesis

I did so much last minute knitting this year for Christmas. My hands are not pleased with me! It's so hard to leave the knitting needles lying in plain sight, tempting me, tempting me.  I Must Not Give In. For now anyway :) Have a fabulous knitty day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome to Knitty Bitty. I am a knitting addict! I love knitting all kinds of things, but small projects are my favorite. Scarves, cowls, hats, dishcloths, hand warmers and mittens. Baby headbands are my latest creation. I will be featuring and selling my "knitty bittys"
on this blog as well as sharing bits of my life and my love of knitting. Pictures coming soon!