Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Over A Week Without A Post?!

Oh my goodness!  I have been remiss in keeping my little blog updated!

We have had The Sick at our house for the last three weeks . Upper respiratory nastiness at it's worst . I am coming out from the fog , the children are slowly getting better and hubby and daughter have escaped thus far!

I've been doing a lot of knitting . I have quite a few ideas percolating too.

 My latest accomplishment is a cowl for which I made my own pattern! I never dreamed I would be able to do so ; it's a good feeling!  I am working on a pair of matching arm warmers . The set will be great for those chilly days that don't quite need a coat. I did an afterthought  thumb on the arm warmer(s). I have one finished as far as the thumb . It knit up very quickly.

I sold another little hat! It's going to be hard to build an inventory this way!  I don't mind having such a problem, however.

I'm doing a little drop spindling again. It felt a bit awkward after being away from it for so long, but it came back pretty fast.  This braid is a variegation of pinks and plums . I'm eager to see how it all spins and plies . I have to finish spinning a green batt and I haven't even started on my alpaca roving . So much to do, so little time !

And then there is Pinterest....oh, my. Such an addicting site . I have found some great knitting patterns, make it yourself laundry and dishwasher detergent recipes. I foresee making all my own washing supplies from now on. So much cheaper and less toxic than commercial products .

It's actually a lot of fun "stash busting" this year. One of my goals is to use my entire stash and make all the projects for which I have yarn purchased and tucked away. Big goal!

I think I will get back to working on that goal....

Happy Knitting!

Friday, January 20, 2012

We Have Pictures!

I am pleased that I have learned to upload pictures to my blog! (OK , excited :) )  Here is the hat and legwarmer set I made last week:

I wish I had paid attention when I was knitting the hat. I made it up as I went along when I got to the crown. When I gathered it a darling five petaled "flower" appeared.  I doubt I can duplicate it--but then whoever purchases it will know it is one of a kind. That's not all bad!

I estimate it will fit a baby from about 7-15 pounds, or 0-3 months.

So much fun!!! The legwarmers make me chuckle every time I look at them. They will be so cute adorning chubby baby girl legs.

Today I am knitting a cowl to match my daughter's hat. I had nearly two full skeins left of the beautiful Peruvian cotton I purchased at A Grand Skein. I am using the same design as the body of the hat. I will post a picture when it is finished.

Back to knitting I go. It's way too cold in Michigan to play outdoors or even go shopping! My little weather box on the tool bar  says 5 degrees. Brrrrr.

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Tuesday!

Oh, my goodness~! Where did my weekend and Monday go?

Yesterday I finished another wee hat . Every hat I make is different. I don't use a pattern; I start and see where the yarn takes me . This little gem is in a pink tweedy acrylic . It started as a little rolled brim hat and ended up with a darling eyelet row at the crown,which then gathered into six distinct flower petals. So cute! I'm starting a matching set of wee leg warmers . I'm using Magic Loop for the leg warmers . First time I have used the technique. I watched a yarnie friend using the method and then followed up with a youtube video. I like it for tiny things, but I have to learn not to hold on so tight!

I will be so glad when I get some pictures that I can post here. It will be nice to have a picture portfolio.

Today I think I will cast on a cowl to match my daughter's slouch hat . I used only half the yarn the hat pattern called for; it will be pretty to have a cowl to match . The pattern is simple and quick knitting. And I know it, so I won't grip it like it's about to run away :)

I have some domestic chores to attend to as well. Knitting Central is all cleaned up; I can't say so much for the kitchen!

Happy Knitting!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Not Much Going On Today

Not much going on today. I have been cleaning and organizing . I will prob'ly get some knitting in tonight.

I must get "knitting central" picked up and beaten back into submission! The area around my chair is always full of runaway balls of yarn, a dropped needle or two, a stray pattern. It's always interesting to see what turns up :) I still haven't found "that" basket that will contain everything and still give me easy access to the project I am working at the time. I have my stash fairly organized. Fairly. I have an ottoman in the bedroom that has a lot of storage. Most of my stash lives there, but I do have some that has overflowed into the closet. It's not even a big stash and it misbehaves! I can't imagine having a large stash--I would never find my bedroom again!

I have installed a Swagbucks Widget on my blog. I highly recommend Swagbucks. I have received hundreds of dollars in prizes. If you would like more info leave a comment and I will send an invitation. It's a great way to accumulate gifts and gift cards to use for special occasions and holidays.

A special "Happy Knitting" to the retreat girls. Hope you ladies have a blast this weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Dance!

I sold another baby hat and headband today. At this rate I am going to be hard pressed to keep an inventory! Such a problem, I know!

I am deeply content.

I'm watching the snow fall. It makes me want to knit all the more. There is something so timeless about sitting and knitting inside when the snow and wind are swirling about outdoors. Give me a cup of hot cocoa and I'm a happy camper!

All that is missing is a little dog at my feet....someday!

I'm going to stay up later than usual, enjoy some alone time and  knit for a bit.

Happy Knitting!

I Caved

My "goal" to use my stash before I purchased anything else has already fallen . I couldn't help myself! My friend's shop was taunting my with a beautiful braid of roving that was calling my name . Not my fault! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

All kidding aside, I want to do more drop spindle  spinning . I have a green superwash merino batt and some brown alpaca roving . Once I get a few more  hats knit I am going to alternate knitting and spinning again . I have some green yarn spun that has to be soaked and thwacked so I can knit it .

I have already sold three baby hats and my business is not officially launched! It's good for my soul to know I have a product people love and want to purchase! Right now my hats are fairly simple; I have some ideas for embellishment that will make them even more appealing . I am going to stay with the basic pattern I made and use different finishing techniques and embellishments to make them different .

Such fun .

Today is not going to be a big knitting day; I have major errand running to do before we get the winter mess coming our way . I'm sure I won't be able to resist the call of the needles all day, however!

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mathematically Challenged? Me???

Yes, yes,  I am. Mathematically challenged.

I woke up this morning and instantly knew what I had done wrong with my decrease row. Silly girl....but now my little hat is done, complete with six little I-cord sprouts on top. And I have enough yarn to do a couple of headbands as well!

My hands are feeling so much better! Yay~! I seriously get depressed when I can't knit. I have been all blah feeling for the last few days. Today I picked up the needles and started knitting and wow! I am feeling energized and happy again.  I think the sunshine and 40+ degree temps had something to do with that too.

My resolve to buy no new yarn until my stash is busted and projects completed was wavering as I looked at the new Lion Yarn catalog.  Recycled cotton yarn was calling my name! All heathered tones and very soft looking. Love! I held firm and put the catalog out of sight.

I think tomorrow I will cast on a vest for my aunt. She gave me the yarn about two years ago. She was planning to knit a jacket; the ladies at the shop she bought the yarn told her it would substitute just fine for Manos Uraguay. Not even close. I found a vest pattern that she loves that will suit the yarn well. I will have enough to make matching hand warmers for her too!

As Always~Happy Knitting!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back At It!

After several days of carpal tunnel issues I picked up a little hat. It is nearly finished . I'm starting the swirl decrease on the crown . My 60 stitches are not cooperating! I have counted and recounted and somehow come out two stitches off by row two . I will count again tomorrow after a good night's sleep. I plan to top this little cutie with five or six tiny I-cords . When I have several items finished I will have my friend take some pics for me to upload .

I have so many projects lined up and want to start them all!!
Not wise!! I like having three or four projects of various sizes and degrees of difficulty going at once. I can do the easy knitting with my yarnie girls and the have-to-think-about-every-stitch projects at home when the house is quiet. Then I throw in the occasional instant gratification project.

My mind is always working and thinking about the next Knitty Bit to design and try out. I'm having a lot of fun!

Happy knitting!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So Much Knitting, So Little Time!

Since I have decided to finish all my projects this year as well as make all the projects for which I have yarn and pattern I am very excited and want it all done now!

I'm trying to accomplish this goal in an orderly manner( knitters?? orderly??? seriously????) but....I wanna do it all!

Setting a goal really does something to one's thinking. Writing the goal, seeing it in front of me, energizes me. It makes me want to do the next thing instead of being overwhelmed by the enormity of the whole picture.

The next step is deciding which unfinished project to pick up next and which new project to start. I like having a couple of different things going at once. Usually, one is a project I can take to yarnie group and knit as I chat; the other is more detailed that I work on at home when it is quiet. Hmmmm. I think one of the scarflets will be the next detailed project. So pretty and easy to accomplish in a short time. Good way to gather momentum.

I'm excited to see what I can accomplish this year!

Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goals 2012

In my last post I said I didn't make resolutions, I set goals.

My of my fibery friends asked on her FB page what some of our goals are for 2012 fiber-y speaking.

I have a long list. :)

1. Use my stash . All of it . Yes, I mean that .
2. Make the projects for which I have both pattern and yarn .  
    Currently I have two scarflets, one hat, one baby blanket two
    pair of nearly finished socks and two hibernating afghans .
3. Make bunches of baby hats for my soon to be e-shop .
4. Begin knitting for Christmas 2012 .

It seems like a lot, but when I break it down, I knit for about two hours most days . Let's see, fourteen hours a week, extra when I have yarnie group . I think I can do it ! I just have to balance how much time I can spend knitting without making the carpal tunnel--The Knitter's Nemesis--flare up .

The kids are back in school this week! We are reclaiming the house, after which I will have my normal(normal?)routine back .

Tonight is yarnie group . I can't wait . I haven't seen my yarnie buds since before Christmas!

Have a fabulously fiber-y day!

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